Monday, July 13, 2009

Music ADD

First off it is not a real disease so don't go to your doctor and ask for a perscription.

Well it is a battle that I face everytime the radio is on or if I am listening to my I Pod. The wierd thing is that it is not just one kind of music as most cases are. The music goes from Elvis to the latest r&b hits that play on the radio. Its so wierd for some to hear me to listen to Journey and then listen to a rapper talking about sex, drugs, and money. There are times I catch myself listening to things for no reason at all but just to hear the instrumental. Most times I say that I listen to a song and people look at me and ask me why. I find myself not really know what the words to the song are. So if you want some to look like a fool when it comes to karoke well I would feel that spot pretty good.

Music is said to show what kind of person you are. Well whoever says that they're wrong so wrong for that matter. If that was true then what does that make me. It makes me a random bunch bits and pieces of everything. Well thats another blog.

So what is the meaning behind this blog?

The true meaning behind this blog is I find myself trying to find songs that will keep my mind away from something. Well the the thing that I got to get of my mind is Marina. Ok I know what your thinking why havent i moved on from her well it is not that easy for this guy. Sorry readers if I have let you down but time will heal this wounded, Music ADD, and loving guy.



  2. I think it is great that you like many different kinds of music. It shows you have eclectic taste in music. Sorry for the scream in the first comment. You know what I am screaming about.

  3. Would love to read a new blog post soon!
